When a tooth has suffered significant damage or has deteriorated beyond repair, there is often no choice but to remove it. Dr. Malin is a seasoned professional at restoring damaged teeth, but he may recommend extraction to prevent infection, painful swelling, and other symptoms.
Socket preservation to prepare for a replacement tooth
As part of your extraction procedure, Dr. Malin can place bone grafting material into the empty tooth socket to regenerate new bone. This treatment is known as socket preservation. With socket preservation, you will preserve the shape of your jawbone and obtain a solid foundation for a future dental implant or dental bridge.
What is a tooth socket?
A tooth socket is a hollow space in the bony ridge of your jaw that holds the root of your tooth. After your tooth is extracted, this space is left empty. As the space heals, it fills with newly formed bone. However, without intervention, the regenerated socket will be smaller in height and width than it was before the extraction. The tooth socket creates a recessed area on your dental arch that can be visually unattractive.
It can also present problems if you wish to replace your missing tooth with a dental implant in the future. Dental implants need adequate bone support, but a sunken socket is often unable to provide enough support. A sunken socket can also cause problems when receiving a dental bridge, as food can become trapped in the recessed area under the bridge and breed bacteria and infection.