A new set of high-quality, comfortable, and well-fitting dentures can be a life-changing improvement that enhances your quality of life and confidence.
Traditional dentures vs. implant-supported dentures
Before the development of dental implants, traditional dentures were the only option for replacing many teeth in a row or a full set of teeth. Although conventional dentures have greatly improved in function and aesthetics as technology has advanced, dentures still have fundamental disadvantages that make them a less-than-ideal solution.
No matter how well a denture is made, it can still move around in your mouth and will loosen over time due to bone loss. Dentures, unfortunately, provide only a fraction of the chewing power of natural teeth.
Thanks to modern implant technology, Dr. Malin can provide implant-supported dentures and other types of full-arch replacement teeth that are stable in your mouth, remain well-fitting over time, and provide nearly full chewing power. These solutions are much more comfortable than traditional dentures.