Grand River Dental

We Make Sure Your Treatment is Comfortable

Dr. Malin and our staff are dedicated to keeping you comfortable at all times when you visit us for treatment. With our friendly service, comfort amenities, minimally invasive procedures and gentle care, we will help you relax and make every step of your treatment as pain free as possible.

Friendly, Caring Service

Our staff greets every patient who chooses Grand River Dental with a smile. They are incredibly receptive to all questions and concerns and provide patients with all of the information they need. 

Dr. Malin is known for being incredibly caring and listening attentively to his patients. He takes the time to explain every procedure in a comprehensive way and answer all questions, ensuring that patients know what to expect from their treatment so that they can feel at ease going forward. 

Grand River Dental

Grand River Dental Comfort Amenities

We have a refreshment stand in the waiting area that has a coffee bar, chocolates and a refrigerator with various juices. For added comfort in the chair, there are blankets, pillows and headphones. We also provide dark glasses to reduce any glare from the lighting in the treatment room.

Advanced Technology for Minimally Invasive Treatment

One of the ways we help patients avoid discomfort during their treatment is by utilizing the most innovative dental technology available with the most minimally invasive procedures possible.

Mouth X Ray

Computer-guided implant placement

Dr. Malin uses special 3D implant planning software to determine the optimal placement of the implants based on the patient's CT scan. He carefully plots the exact position, angle, and depth of insertion for each implant, selecting locations in the jaw that offer maximum stability and support. To ensure precision during the procedure, he also creates a surgical guide using the software. This guide is a template that fits over the patient's dental arch and indicates the exact placement positions and angles of the implants. By using a surgical guide, implant placement is fast and accurate, and the need for surgical preparation of the implant site is significantly reduced.

Advanced digital imaging

Advanced digital imaging for diagnosis

Our state-of-the-art 3D CT scanner is utilized by Dr. Malin to obtain clear 3D 360-degree views of the areas relevant to treatment. These include the teeth, jawbone, sinus cavities, and related anatomy. These images can be enlarged to allow for a more detailed examination, giving Dr. Malin the necessary information to determine the patient's oral condition and bone health without requiring any invasive surgical procedures. This allows him to curate an individualized treatment plan that includes the dental implant and any necessary bone grafting with a high degree of precision. 

Ultrasonic surgical device

Ultrasonic surgical device

Dr. Malin utilizes an advanced ultrasonic surgical instrument in order to make changes to the patient’s bones. This device emits controlled micro-vibrations that are able to carve bone without impacting the surrounding tissues. These ultrasonic instruments are able to carry out bone sculpting with much more accuracy and a far less invasive procedure than other bone modification treatments that involve traditional instruments.

Injections with Minimal Discomfort

Popular local anesthetics usually contain high levels of acid in their formulations which cause a burning sensation upon administration. Dr. Malin incorporates a natural ingredient, known as sodium bicarbonate, into the anesthetic to neutralize acidity levels. This element works by reducing the pH of the anesthetic to a level that is congruent with the natural pH of the human body. 

Dr. Malin uses a few drops of the pH-balanced anesthetic on the injection site to pre-numb the area before gently carrying out the injection. Patients typically report that they feel little to no pain with this approach. 


At Grand River Dental, we offer two options for sedation with our procedures. 

Sedation Dentistry

Sedation dentistry is an approach that involves using medication to ensure that patients are relaxed for the duration of their dental procedure. It is also known as "sleep dentistry," which is not exactly accurate. Patients are typically awake for the entirety of the procedure. The only exception is cases in which general anesthesia is used. 

At our facility, we use a technique known as IV moderate sedation. As the name implies, the anesthetic is administered intravenously so that it works more quickly. This method allows the dentist to have more control over how much of the drug the patient receives. 

The sedation is carried out by a board-certified anesthesiologist who ensures that patients are safe throughout the process. 

Sedation Patient Smiling

NuCalm® Drug-Free Deep Relaxation Technology

For lengthy procedures or for patients who need extra help to relax, Dr. Malin uses a breakthrough neuroscience technology known as NuCalm. NuCalm is a safe, highly effective and proven procedure that brings about the state of deep relaxation you feel just before you go to sleep, but without the use of drugs. In this state, there is no tendency to feel anxious and you feel comfortably tranquil, though you are still able to respond to the doctor.

Dr. Rachel Malin

How NuCalm works

Dr. Malin applies a specific nutritional formula (cream) onto the patient's neck, which is absorbed into the bloodstream. The nutrients in the formula hinder the effects of adrenaline and make the patient feel relaxed. Small stimulation patches are also placed behind both ears in order to speed up the absorption process. 

Dr. Malin then places a light-blocking mask over the patient's eyes and gives them noise-canceling headphones. Soothing music is played throughout the procedure, ensuring that the patient feels at peace the whole way through. There are no harmful side effects. 

Just as with the other form of sedation, NuCalm is administered by a board-certified anesthesiologist to ensure a positive treatment experience. 

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